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Magic Bites

Magic Bites

by Ilona Andrews
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Kate Daniels is a kind of soldier-for-hire in an imaginary version of Atlanta, carrying a sword, some words of power, and no tolerance for fools. In this world, sometimes magic flares up and the electricity goes out, and sometimes magic goes down and the spells that she has protecting her house from bad things fail, and creeping vampires get in. (Vampires are incredibly disturbing and unnatural in this series–not sexy at all! Shapeshifters–people who can turn into animals, etc.–on the other hand, can be dangerously attractive.) In Kate’s world, there are rules about magic, about vampires, about shapeshifters, and about how all of these things interact. Kate’s not really fond of rules, though, which is one reason she’s a mercenary and not part of any organization. But in order to avenge the death of someone important to her, she agrees to work with an organization. That makes life complicated. There are a lot of complications coming her way–plenty of danger, a little romance, yikes! Kate is the kind of person who kicks butt first and asks questions later, but she’ll figure it all out eventually. Assuming she can get a handle on her drinking problem …

One of the best things about the book is that you can tell the author has really thought through the setting. A lot of recent supernatural investigation/urban fantasy novels focus on either romance or sex and don’t spend a lot of time creating a cool, detailed world, but this author has really put a lot of thought into how things work. That’s appreciated. (There’s some romance, but it’s definitely not the main feature.)

This is Ilona Andrews’ first book, and English is not her first language. If you’re really sensitive to grammar, you might notice a couple of awkward spots, but overall, the writing is fine. People who have read the second and third books say that they get better and better. (Plus, it’s great to see more published authors whose first language isn’t English! Andrews’ first language is Russian, and you’ll see some references to Russian culture and language in the story, which is cool.)

You can read an excerpt online at the author’s website.

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