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Swords: An Artist’s Devotion

Swords: An Artist’s Devotion

by Ben Boos

When I was a kid, my friends and I made swords out of dowel rods, towels, and duct tape.* When Ben Boos was a kid, on the other hand. had an actual sword that he used to chop oranges in half and trim the ivy along the gravel path in his yard. Ben Boos loves swords. That kind of enthusiasm is exactly why he quit his job in the video game industry to put this book together.

The swords from this book come from a lot of different cultures. You’ll find plenty of swords from Europe and, of course, Japan, but there are also sections on other parts of Asia that usually get ignored, as well as Africa and the Middle East. Each section has a page or so of text and then some full-color pictures. The author admits that he is not a historian, so I can’t promise you that the history is all accurate. However, he is clearly a huge fan, and you can see the love he has put into this book.

*: I always used two swords, and I beat everyone except my father. I’m guessing Ben Boos would have beaten me, too.
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