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Not Quite What I Was Planning

Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure

by Larry Smith and Rachel Fershleiser
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The editors of SMITH Magazine asked their readers to describe their lives in just six words. You might think this sounds like a crazy idea. Well, I’m not going to argue with that, but the responses they got sure are interesting. Some will make you think. Some will make you laugh. Some will make you say, “Wait, what?”

It’s probably easier to give you some examples. If you want more, SMITH Magazine has an ever-growing collection.

Hope my obituary spells “debonair” correctly.
Aging late bloomer yearns for do-over.
The freaks, they always find me.
After Harvard, had baby with crackhead.
Catholic school backfired. Sin is in!
Girlfriend is pregnant, my husband said.
My life’s a bunch of almosts.
Mormon economist marries feminist. Worlds collide.
Cheese is the essence of life.

If you like these, you can also find some six-word stories at Wired that are from horror, fantasy, and science fiction writers. Some of them involve R-rated topics and language, plus a little politics.

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