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World Food (Series)

World Food

published by Lonely Planet
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I love Japanese and Indian food, but I known next to nothing about any of it. What is “paneer” in my saag paneer? Where did Japanese curry come from, and why is it served on top of a pork cutlet? If you’ve ever wondered what some kind of food is or where it came from, you might want to check out the World Food series from Lonely Planet.

Each book covers one or two countries, or sometimes a specific region of the United States – there’s one for India, one for Japan, one for California, and one for New Orleans, for example. Each book is a little different, since it has different authors, but all of the books introduce you to the many different cuisines in a country, and you get to learn about different ingredients and traditions that go along with food. You’ll learn about the kind of food people eat in their houses, the kind they get in restaurants, and the kind they buy from street vendors. You’ll also get some of the history of different foods. I did, for example, learn how Japan got hooked on curry.

These are mostly books about food, but sometimes they contain a few recipes, as well. Some of the information will only be useful if you plan to visit that country, but some of it will help out eating in different local restaurants, and some of it is just plain interesting.

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Swords: An Artist’s Devotion

Swords: An Artist’s Devotion

by Ben Boos

When I was a kid, my friends and I made swords out of dowel rods, towels, and duct tape.* When Ben Boos was a kid, on the other hand. had an actual sword that he used to chop oranges in half and trim the ivy along the gravel path in his yard. Ben Boos loves swords. That kind of enthusiasm is exactly why he quit his job in the video game industry to put this book together.

The swords from this book come from a lot of different cultures. You’ll find plenty of swords from Europe and, of course, Japan, but there are also sections on other parts of Asia that usually get ignored, as well as Africa and the Middle East. Each section has a page or so of text and then some full-color pictures. The author admits that he is not a historian, so I can’t promise you that the history is all accurate. However, he is clearly a huge fan, and you can see the love he has put into this book.

*: I always used two swords, and I beat everyone except my father. I’m guessing Ben Boos would have beaten me, too.
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The Book of the Spider

The Book of the Spider

by Paul Hillyard
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I realize that not everybody likes spiders. I understand. I don’t panic around them, but I really don’t want to hang out with them, either. However, unless spiders really freak you out, you might want to give this book a try.

The Book of the Spider covers a wide range of spider-related topics. It is not a textbook or a field guide; it’s pretty fun, casual, and sometimes funny. It starts with a chapter on arachnophobia and then moves to spiders in folklore, myth, and literature. There are chapters on particular categories of spiders, such as social spiders, spiders that fly (with silk), and aquatic spiders. Hillyard also discusses spider silk, the history of the study of spiders, and various other topics.

This is not a book designed to scare anyone. The author genuinely loves spiders, so he would much rather convince you enjoy (or at least respect) spiders than shock or horrify you. This is meant to be a fun book, and I think it works well. I still panic when I walk into a spiderweb, but as long as I’m eat least two or three feet from any spider, I do appreciate them.

Also, I have to mention one specific fact I learned. Back in the 1920s, people didn’t know whether black widow spiders were poisonous. William J. Baerg, who was teaching at the very same college I would later attend, was challenged to prove that their poison could affect a human. Baerg’s plane went something like this:

  1. Get a spider to bite him.
  2. Describe the really awful pain he suffered over the next few days.
  3. Get his notes published.
  4. Let anyone who wanted to argue with him do the same thing.

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The Soul of a New Machine

The Soul of a New Machine

by Tracy Kidder
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The Soul of a New Machine is not about a machine. There are plenty of machines in it, but it is really about people who happen to be designing a new computer called the Eagle. The small group of people who designed the Eagle put their hearts into their work. They put their souls into it. They worked long hours for a project that hadn’t even been approved by their company, so even if they did an amazing job, the company might just throw everything away. They weren’t working for money, or even for the chance to make the world’s next popular computer. They were doing it for the pure joy of creating something.

In the 1970’s, not everybody had computers at home or on their office desks. A minicomputer could be bigger than a couch. Microsoft and Apple weren’t the biggest names in the industry back then. They were just getting started.

The Soul of a New Machine tells the story of people who work at Data General Corporation, based in Massachusetts. Data General makes minicomputers. They have a series called the Eclipse, and they have just opened a new R&D lab in North Carolina. The people who work in North Carolina are asked to design the new series that Data General will start selling, while the people still in Massachusetts are left to keep tinkering with the old Eclipses. This doesn’t make the Massachusetts people happy. They want to create something, too, so their manager, Tom West, gets them going on a new project. He didn’t really get anyone’s approval to start this new project. He’s kind of unofficially asked if the president of the company would be okay with it, and he’s kind of unofficially gotten an answer: yes, but it needs to run the same programs as the old Eclipse machines did, and it can’t have a mode bit.

What does this mean? Well, you can’t just copy a program from your iPhone to your PC and expect it to run. Back in the 1970’s, pretty much every time you got a new computer, you had to throw out all your old software and get new stuff. This new computer that Tom West’s people might be allowed to build has to run all the old programs that the old computers could run.

The “mode bit” is basically an easy way to make this happen. It’s a sort of switch. Flip it on, and the new computer works just like the old one. Flip it off and the new computer gets to run like its new, awesome, shiny, super-fast self. If Tom’s group had any chance of getting their project approved, they had to find a way to make their computers run old software without this little switch.

So off the engineers went, working hard on a project that might not even be approved. They called their new machine the Eagle, and they were darned proud of it.

The Soul of a New Machine talks about their struggles. Corporate politics was part of it, but they also had to deal with tight deadlines, try things nobody had tried before, and push themselves hard to make the best computer they could possibly make. The book is also about the people themselves: their personalities, their quirks, and their hopes and dreams. You get to meet some really amazing people this way.

The time they spent on the Eagle project isn’t all hard work. You can’t work as hard as these people doand not take breaks, so we also get to see a bit of computer geek culture. One of the games the engineers play is called Adventure, and it’s pretty famous. You can play it online if you want to see what all the fuss was about.

If you are worried about having to read computer mumbo jumbo, you can relax. Yeah, there is some. The author generally does a good job of explaining it in terms that normal people can understand, but you can skip it if you want. The book isn’t about technical details. It’s about the people.

You can read some of it online at Google Books.

If you are interested in the history of computers, you might want to check out the Computer History Museum in Mountain View.

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They Never Gave Up: Adventures in Early Aviation

They Never Gave Up: Adventures in Early Aviation

by Michael Wilkey
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This book describes people’s attempts to fly, from ancient myths up to the early days of modern airplanes.

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