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Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods

by Melissa de la Cruz
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Blue Bloods focuses on six young vampires in a private New York high school. They’re thin, wealthy, almost immortal, and obsessed with high fashion. However, someone is trying to kill them.

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Love Song

Love Song

by Keiko Nishi
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An anthology of four short stories by amazing artist/writer Nishi: a story about abusive love, an Edgar Alan Poe-like horror piece, a portrait of a far-future Chinese dumpling maker who dreams of Earth, and a bullied boy who develops astonishing healing powers, becomes a celebrity, and must deal with the consequences. Touching, shocking, and memorable.

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Shrine of the Morning Mist

Shrine of the Morning Mist

by Hiroki Ugawa
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This often comedic series, about schoolgirls who serve as shrine maidens and fight evil monsters, gently spoofs other series such as “Sailor Moon.” Several sisters and their school friends use divine magic to protect their shrine, their town, and a distant cousin who has the ability to see the other world. In the meantime, of course, their school gets smashed up by giant monsters and wacky hijinks ensue.

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You’re going to have to check a bookstore for this one. Sorry about that.


Tarot Café

Tarot Café

by Sang-sun Park
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Originating in Korea, this lavishly-drawn gothic fantasy series tells both the overall story of an mysterious tarot-card reader and self-contained mini-stories about the mysterious creatures whose fortunes she reads. Her clients include demons, werewolves, vampires, dragons, and even cats.

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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

by J. K. Rowling
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You may think this book is for kids, but it’s smart enough that adults can enjoy it, too. If you somehow haven’t heard about these books, Harry Potter is an orphan living a very boring, miserable life with his aunt and uncle. He enters a world of magic when he is invited to Hogwarts, a school for wizards. For the first time in his life, Harry starts making friends and goes from being a nobody to being a celebrity. Unfortunately, something evil is going on at Hogwarts, and it is up to Harry and his friends to stop it.

You can look it up on Wikipedia.

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