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by Steven Gould
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Jumper tells the story of a young man who discovers that he can teleport. He steals a million dollars and then travels the world, eating at nice restaurants, attending plays, and foiling terrorists. There is a movie based on this book, but it tells a very different story.

Warning: Domestic abuse is a major theme in Jumper. The story has a good ending, but if you would rather not read a graphic description of the main character’s father attacking him on page 2, you might not want to read this.

You can look it up on Wikipedia.

You can read some of the book online through Google Books. Also, the author is telling the story through Twitter, if you like Twitter.

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Where to Find It


What Happened to Cass McBride?

What Happened to Cass McBride?

by Gail Giles
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What happened to Cass McBride? Well, the short version is that she’s buried in a box with a crude air supply and a walkie-talkie so that Kyle, the guy who put her there, can keep taunting her. Why did Kyle put her in a box? The simple answer is that she may have had something to do with his brother David’s suicide. The real story, of course, is more complicated.

Kyle seems to hold all the cards, since he’s not in a box, but the police are looking for Cass, and as long as she can keep Kyle talking, she has a chance.

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Where to Find It


Love Song

Love Song

by Keiko Nishi
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An anthology of four short stories by amazing artist/writer Nishi: a story about abusive love, an Edgar Alan Poe-like horror piece, a portrait of a far-future Chinese dumpling maker who dreams of Earth, and a bullied boy who develops astonishing healing powers, becomes a celebrity, and must deal with the consequences. Touching, shocking, and memorable.

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Where to Find It

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