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Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist

Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist

by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
[cover name=nickandnorahsinfiniteplaylist]

Nick and Norah are two music fans who meet by chance one evening and spend the rest of the night talking about life and relationships, going to different performances, and falling in love.

You can read some of this book online at Google Books.

You can also check out a digital copy to read on your computer, but be sure you read the instructions first. You’ll need Adobe Digital Editions software to do this.

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Where to Find It




by Kathryn Erskine
[cover name=quaking]

Matt is a sarcastic young woman who has just moved in with her newest foster family. She has to deal with the school bully, politics, and the fact that she might actually like her new foster parents.

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Where to Find It




by Susan Shaw
[cover name=safe]

Safe is the story of a thirteen-year-old girl, Tracy, who is raped on the way home from school. Safe never describes the rape and focuses instead on the aftermath – Tracy’s emotions and, eventually, her healing process.

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Where to Find It


Sleeper Code

Sleeper Code

by Tom Sniegoski
[cover name=sleepercode]

Tom Lovett suffers from a rare form of narcolepsy that causes him to sleep for days at a time. At least, that’s what he thought. Then Tom discovers that he, and other people with his condition, are secretly being trained as assassins while they are “asleep.” Sleeper Code and its sequel, Sleeper Agenda, describe Tom’s attempt to escape the group that is training him and take some control over his own life and mind.

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Where to Find It


Street Pharm

Street Pharm

by Allison van Diepen
[cover name=streetpharm]

Ty Johnson is trying to go to school and hold the family business together. The catch is that the family business is dealing drugs. When things get rough, Ty has to decide who he is and how he wants to live his life.

You can read some of it online at Google Books.

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Where to Find It


Class Pictures

Class Pictures

by Dawoud Bey
[cover name=classpictures]

Dawoud Bey is a photographer who specializes in portraits. Class Pictures contains photographs of high school students with short autobiographies each student wrote.

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Where to Find It




by Kubo Tite
[cover name=bleach]

Bleach is a series about high school students who can see spirits. One day the main character, Ichigo, encounters a soul reaper (kind of like a grim reaper, but younger) who is responsible for dealing with troubled spirits. The soul reaper is injured in a fight with a dangerous spirit and temporarily gives Ichigo her powers. After defeating the spirit, Ichigo finds that he cannot give the power back. Instead, he has to become a part-time soul reaper.

You can look it up on Wikipedia.

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Where to Find It


The [library id=richmond] public library has some volumes, but I don’t think they have volume 1 yet.

Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods

by Melissa de la Cruz
[cover name=bluebloods]

Blue Bloods focuses on six young vampires in a private New York high school. They’re thin, wealthy, almost immortal, and obsessed with high fashion. However, someone is trying to kill them.

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Where to Find It


Shrine of the Morning Mist

Shrine of the Morning Mist

by Hiroki Ugawa
[cover name=shrineofthemorningmist]

This often comedic series, about schoolgirls who serve as shrine maidens and fight evil monsters, gently spoofs other series such as “Sailor Moon.” Several sisters and their school friends use divine magic to protect their shrine, their town, and a distant cousin who has the ability to see the other world. In the meantime, of course, their school gets smashed up by giant monsters and wacky hijinks ensue.

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Where to Find It

You’re going to have to check a bookstore for this one. Sorry about that.


Paradise Kiss

Paradise Kiss

by Ai Yazawa
[cover name=paradisekiss]

By the same author as Nana, this series features an abnormally tall but otherwise unremarkable high-school girl, Yukari. Yukari accidentally becomes the inspiration and main model for a wildly creative fashion-design group consisting of an elegant transvestite, a pierced punk guy with a soft heart, a young woman who wears “sweet lolita” fashion (she looks like a Victorian porcelain doll), and the charismatic, brilliant, bisexual head designer George, who pushes Yukari to become an independent woman. The art is really gorgeous and the story is very entertaining (the characters regularly make remarks about the manga itself, and complain about how much “screen time” they’re getting). Unlike Nana, this series is fairly light, and doesn’t get overly melodramatic.

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Where to Find It
