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Life Sucks

Life Sucks

by Jessica Abel, Gabriel Soria, and Warren Pleece
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Dave has one of the worst jobs on earth. He’s the night manager at the Last Stop convenience store, but that’s not why his job is so awful. The real problem is his boss Radu, who happens to be a vampire. Radu is big into things like team spirit, so to make Dave a better employee, Radu made him a vampire, too.

Rosa, the woman Dave has a crush on, thinks that being a vampire must be wonderful – eternal life, vampiric sex appeal, the charming company of other vampires, money, power, and other fine things like that. Unfortunately, Dave gets nothing of this. He’s got no money. He rides a bicycle to and from his dead-end job, and he’ll probably work at the Last Stop for all eternity. Also, Dave has a thing about blood. Plus, even though he’s a real vampire, the goth women he interacts with seem more interested in goth guys with expensive capes and boots rather than real vampires with name tags that say “Shift Manager.”

Another thing that makes Dave’s life miserable is that he has to interact with Wes, a psychotic surfer vampire who is also a servant of Radu. When Wes finds out Dave is interested in Rosa, he decides to be interested in her, too. This is bad, since when I said Wes is psychotic, I mean he likes killing or enslaving people. Thus, Dave has to try to save Rosa, but keep in mind that Dave is a big old loser.

You can read the first eleven pages at MySpace or read a different thirteen pages at New York Magazine’s website.

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Red Hot Salsa: Bilingual Poems on Being Young and Latino in the United States

Red Hot Salsa: Bilingual Poems on Being Young and Latino in the United States

by Lori Marie Carlson
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Red Hot Salsa is a collection of poems in English and Spanish about being Latino. Many people contributed to this book, from well-known poets to high school students. Some of the poems are funny, some are serious, and some are both at once.

You can read some of it online through Google Books.

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