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Sharp Teeth

Sharp Teeth

by Toby Barlow
[cover name=sharpteeth]

Anthony Silvo has just gotten a job as a dogcatcher in East L.A. He doesn’t really want to send the dogs to the pound, but he needs the money. Then he meets a mysterious woman who gets him caught in the middle of a big supernatural mess.

Werewolves are alive and well in East L.A. Well, not exactly werewolves. More weredogs, who can shift back and forth between human and dog whenever they want. There are a number of things going on in the story. Lark, the leader of one pack, is betrayed by one of his followers. He decides to hide out in an animal shelter and is eventually adopted. When his owners are out, he organizes a new pack, but he slowly realizes that he likes the quiet life. Meanwhile, Anthony’s mysterious girlfriend is killing off certain weredogs. A couple of people from Lark’s pack end up playing in a bridge (not poker!) tournament that may have a connection to the L.A. drug trade. Finally, a detective named Peabody (probably a reference to Mister Peabody) is investigating a series of murders that relate to the weredog packs.

This is a werewolf story, so you can expect a fair amount of violence. The author also sneaks in a lot of dog-related humor, as you can see from the bridge-playing dogs and Peabody. The unusual thing is that this story is told in verse, sort of. Why? I’m not sure, but a couple of recent authors have tried it, so I guess it must be trendy. The book looks like a giant poem, but once you start reading, it’s basically a novel with very short lines.

If you want to give the book a try, you can browse it for free at the publisher’s website.

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Where to Find It


The Oxford Project

The Oxford Project

by Stephen G. Bloom and Peter Feldstein

The town of Oxford, Iowa had a population of just under 700 people in 1984, and Peter Feldstein photographed almost all of them. Twenty-one years later, in 2005, he and Stephen G. Bloom returned and tracked down everyone he had photographed before. Feldstein took new pictures, while Bloom wrote down their stories.

Twenty-one years is a long time. Babies become college graduates. High school students are suddenly middle-aged. People in their fifties may be retired or even dead. A lot can happen in that time. The photos and short biographies give you little window into the lives of hundreds of interesting people. If you want a little sample, check this out.

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Over and Under

Over and Under

by Todd Tucker
[cover name=overandunder]

Tom and Andy are best friends, and they have been for as long as they can remember. In their spare time during their last summer before high school, they explore the wilderness and the system of caves near their town. Meanwhile, there is a labor strike at the Borden Casket Company, where both their fathers work. Tom’s dad is a laborer, while Andy’s dad is a manager. That shouldn’t be a problem, should it? Oh, wait. Yeah, it will be. As the strike gets worse, Tom and Andy learn that there is more to life than running around the wilderness, climbing through caves, and shooting their rifles.

You can read some of the book online at Google Books, if you want.

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by Hillary Jordan
[cover name=mudbound]

Welcome to the Mississippi Delta in the Jim Crow South. Henry McAllan has always wanted to own a farm, but his wife Laura grew up in the city and has trouble living without electricity and running water. Hap and Florence Jackson, two black sharecroppers, live and work on the McAllan’s farm. The story is set just after the end of World War II, and soon Henry’s brother Jamie and Hap and Florence’s son Ronsel return from their service in Europe.

Jamie was a pilot and war hero, but after the war, he started drinking hard. His friend Ronsel served with General Patton and got used to being treated like a human being in Europe. Both have trouble adjusting to the more restrictive, racist Southern society. Ronsel, of course, runs into trouble when he refuses to be a second-class citizen, while Jamie angers the locals by supporting his black friend.

This is not a happy story. Racism is one of the central themes, and the Jacksons don’t have easy lives. The local doctor “only treated colored people on certain days of the week and it wasn’t always the same.” When Florence has to stay with the McAllan family, she is told that she has to “sleep out in the barn with the rest of the animals.” Mudbound is well-written, though, as long as you don’t mind the sense of doom.

You can read some of it online at Scribd.

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The Good Thief

The Good Thief

by Hannah Tinti
[cover name=thegoodthief]

Ren is an orphan living in a monastery in New England. He doesn’t remember who his parents are, what life was like before the orphanage, or why he is missing one hand. Like all the other children there, though, he hopes somebody will adopt him, but this is 19th century New England. Most people who want to adopt a boy want one they can put to work in a farm or a factory, and that means they are looking for someone with two hands.

One day a young man named Benjamin shows up who is not looking for someone with two hands. In fact, he seems to be looking for Ren. Benjamin explains that their parents are dead and that Ren lost his hand in the same incident. However, Ren soon finds out that his brother is a thief, part-time body snatcher and grave robber, and con artist. Benjamin and his fellow criminals are pleased to discover that Ren seems to be a natural born thief, but Ren just wants friends and a family, and he starts looking for them in the strangest places.

You can read some of it online at Google Books.

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The Stepsister Scheme

The Stepsister Scheme

by Jim C. Hines
[cover name=thestepsisterscheme]

You have probably seen the Disney films Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Cinderella. However, you may not know that there were stories about these three characters long before Disney, and that some of the old stories were much more disturbing. In some older Sleeping Beauty stories, the prince’s mother tries to kill and eat Sleeping Beauty. In one old Snow White story, the wicked queen is tortured to death. In an old Cinderella story, those cute Disney birds attack her step-sisters and blind them.

Jim Hines takes some of these older stories and tells you what happens after Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Cinderella had their happy endings. The story begins shortly after Snow White’s wedding, when one of her step-sisters tries to assassinate her. When that fails, she kidnaps the prince. Cinderella sets off to save him, accompanied by Snow White and a particularly kick-butt Sleeping Beauty.

If you want to read the first chapter, the author has put it up on his website.

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Finding Nouf

Finding Nouf

by Zoë Ferraris
[cover name=findingnouf]

Sixteen-year-old Nouf ash-Shrawi, a member of a wealthy family in Saudia Arabia, goes missing three days before her wedding. Her brother, Othman, hires Nayir al-Sharqi to find her. Nayir usually works as a guide, leading the rich and famous through the desert, but he accepts this job. He never finds Nouf, but a week and a half later, someone else finds her body in the desert. According to the medical examiner, Nouf drowned in the desert. Nayir finds this a little suspicious, so he decides to continue his investigation. He ends up working with Othman’s fiancee, who is a lab technician in the medical examiner’s office. Nayir has a traditional view on how men and women should interact, and working with a female lab technician makes him very uncomfortable at first. As the story continues, though, Nayir’s views change, and the two work together as a team.

If you want, you can read some of this online through Google Books.

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The Dragons of Babel

The Dragons of Babel

by Michael Swanwick
[cover name=thedragonsofbabel]

The Dragons of Babel is set in a fantasy world that includes some bits of the real world. You’ll find assault weapons, Vespa scooters, and Mohammad Ali mixed in with elves, dwarves, centaurs, and dragons. There is a war going on, with mechanical dragons fighting basilisks. One day a dragon is shot down near the village where the main character, Will le Fey, lives. Even though the dragon is badly damaged and cannot fly, it is still powerful enough to take over the village. It makes Will its servant and uses him to identify people who might cause trouble. Naturally, since Will’s job is to spy on his friends, people start to hate him, and he is eventually thrown out of the village.

Will ends up in a “refugee camp,” and from there is put on a train and taken to Babel, a sort of fantasy version of New York City. On the train he meets Nat, a con artist, and Esme, a woman who has traded all of her memories for eternal youth. Once he gets to Babel, he gets involved with a gang and becomes a hero to the poor who live in tunnels underneath the city. Eventually he meets and falls in love with Alcyone, a noblewoman. Then Nat comes up with an elaborate scheme that, in addition to making a lot of money, might help Will and Alcyone get together.

You should keep in mind that this world is not the real world and the people are not humans, so they do things that seem strange to us. For example, when Will had a good day fishing, he would smear fish on his great-great-great-grandmother’s feet to show respect. Sex is also mentioned in the story, and since the characters are not human, one or two scenes might seem a little weird. However, all of these details and many more make a really interesting, elaborate world. It’s a very different world, but it’s one that can easily pull you in.

You can read some of it online through Google Books.

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Japan Ai

Japan Ai

by Aimee Major Steinberger
[cover name=japanai]

This is kind of a travel sketchbook, by a professional artist (she works on Futurama and other things you’ve seen) who’s really into Japanese stuff–costumes, anime, manga, kimono, dolls–and decides to go to Japan with two of her friends. She’s six feet tall and white, so she really stands out! Fortunately for her, and for the reader, she has a really good sense of humor. You can follow along with her as she and her friends experience Japanese trains, food, and hot springs; dress up like geisha; get lost; generally have a lot of fun. She uses her own style of drawing, which is heavily influenced by manga but still unique. The drawings are supplemented with lots of handwritten explanations about what’s happening, and you’ll learn a lot of interesting stuff about modern Japanese pop culture, because she generally knows what she’s talking about. This is really a one-of-a-kind book, giving you the feel of a trip to Japan with three fun, kind of geeky (in a good way!) girls the way a travel guide never could.

Go here for a preview, or click on “OMAKE” for 60 pages of bonus sketches and photos that weren’t included in the published book! (One page has a tiny amount of back nudity of a seated person.)

By the way, if you decide to look for this in a bookstore, it might be in the manga section, even though it’s not manga. It was published by Go!Comi, a manga publisher, so Borders puts it in manga, but a used bookstore might not. You may have to ask.

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Black and White

Black and White

by Paul Volponi
[cover name=blackandwhite]

Marcus and Eddie, also know as Black and White, are two local high school basketball aces who will probably make it to the NBA. However, their families are both kind of poor, and the NBA seems like a long way off. They can’t get part-time jobs, since they need that time to practice, so they decided to commit armed robberies instead. Things go terribly wrong during one robbery, and Eddie accidentally shoots somebody.

The story focuses on how Marcus and Eddie deal with the situation, what happens to their friendship and their families, and how they are treated by the legal system. Despite having been friends for many years and spending a lot of time together, Marcus’s and Eddie’s lives go in two very different directions after the shooting. Black and White takes a serious look at racism in modern American society, and it manages to combine a good story with lots of issues to think about. You might want to have your friends read this, too, so you can have somebody to talk about it with.

You can read some of it online at the author’s website.

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