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Genghis: Birth of an Empire

Genghis: Birth of an Empire

by Conn Iggulden
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Almost a thousand years ago, the Mongol Empire stretched from Eastern Europe all the way across Asia. The Mongol army appeared to be unstoppable – they conquered China, subdued Russia, ran through Afghanistan and Iran, and were on their way through Hungary before they finally stopped. Just decades before they had this massive empire, though, they were a collection of independent tribes. The person who united the Mongols and led them in their conquest of two continents was a man known as Genghis Khan. Depending on who you ask, he was a military genius, a genocidal monster, or fantastic leader.

Before he was Genghis Khan, though, he was Temüjin, the son of a minor tribal leader. Genghis: Birth of an Empire follows Temüjin as he grows up, becomes an adult, unites the Mongol tribes, and invades China. This is fiction, not a history book. However, it is based on historical events, and if you want to learn more, there is a section in the back that talks about the history and compares it to the story.

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