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Three Girls and Their Brother

Three Girls and Their Brother

by Theresa Rebeck
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Daria, Polly, and Amelia, along with their brother Philip, are the grandchildren of a famous (dead) literary critic. The three sisters become major celebrities when The New Yorker publishes a photo of them. Daria, Polly, and their mom are thrilled. Daria wants to be a model, Polly loves to be the center of attention, and mom was almost Miss America and really wants her daughters to be famous. Amelia, on the other hand, has a special talent for seeing disasters coming, and Philip is smart enough to know trouble when he sees it.

The sisters get thrown into modeling, show biz, and the theater, where they meet the kinds of strange people who prey on celebrities – paparazzi, publicists, and a creepy fortysomething guy with a crush on the fourteen-year-old sister. The author, who has worked in the television industry, makes fun of all of these people.

If you’d like to read some of it online, you can, thanks to Google Books.

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Thalía: ¡Belleza!

Thalía: ¡Belleza!: Lessons in Lipgloss and Happiness

by Thalía, with Belén Aranda-Alvarado
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Mexican singer, actress, businesswoman, and writer (among other things) Thalía shares some of her beauty tips, from skin care basics to inner beauty and spirit.

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