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by Yuki Urushibara
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This is a sometimes strange, beautiful, episodic story about “mushi,” supernatural creatures who are usually considered by humans to be ghosts or monsters, and a “mushishi,” a human who can see and interact with them. It’s the basis for the beautiful, watercolor-tinged Mushishi anime series and a recent live-action film. The mushishi, Ginko, has striking white hair and green eyes due to an incident with mushi when he was a child. He travels from town to town studying the mushi and helping people who have been bothered or “cursed” by them, so he’s somewhere between a scientist and an exorcist. It takes place sometime in the past (Ginko wears a shirt and pants, but everything else indicates the time period is somewhere from 1600-1900), but since the tone of the whole series is a bit dreamy, the particulars don’t really matter. Most of the stories stand alone and aren’t strongly connected to the other stories.

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Where to Find It

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